No, it's NOT an AM Audio 'Monster', but with a GOOD power mike and the AMC pot adjusted, your also G2G on AM as well. but no rush.Įven STOCK, the TRC-465 is the "sleeper" of all sleepers with it's 2166 driver and 1969 final. Once I find one of those Galaxy Expo 'N' kits (I believe), will probably add channels to it. I run it mobile in my econobox compact car, with a trunk mounted antenna, and can EASILY work anybody I hear on AM or SSB. sor format, so the resulting files can be processed. Reckoning can only proc SoC on the 1st swing, whereas SoR will boost the damage of all 4 stacks of Reckoning. I developed this simple Windows app for fiber optics technicians. The third, (and current) is the TRC-465, which I've opened the clarifier on and, mostly because they said it couldn't be done, installed an RFX-150 on. SoC is 7 ppm, so SoC ends up doing more damage on a 15 DPS weapon with Swing speed of 4 (60 damage 1 swing per 4 seconds), than a 15 DPS weapon with a swing speed of 2 (30 damage 1 swing per 2 seconds). You can set new date and time for inner measurements or randomize OTDR timestamp. In fact, with it's DUAL 1969 finals and expanded freq capability my Midland 79-290 quickly replaced it. Conversion between different OTDR formats also supported. SOR refers to the growing body of scientific research that describes how the human brain learns to read, the skills kids need to develop to become proficient readers, and the appropriate methods to use to teach those skills effectively.

Having said that, I've only owned 3 Realistic SSB rigs: the first was a 23 channel rig, don't remember the model, but was pretty bland and unimpressive. Probably because they pack a lot of PUNCH in a small, robust, stable, and easy to work on package. While there's no dispute that the Grant XL, 148 GTL and/or TR-296's are GREAT SSB rigs, there is a reason WHY the PC-122 (and TRC-465 equivalents) are known as the Technician's Radio's of CHOICE. I apologise for typing everything but I'm crap with HTML and have no idea how to embed pictures.+1: The TRC-465, the PC-122, PC-122XL, and the TRC-453, for all intents & purposes, are the SAME radios. Timings wise, under the "Memory" tab, this is whats confusing me, in comparison with the "SPD" tab. FSB 200 MHz, CPU 4.2 GHz, (x 21 multi), etc.

Looking at CPU-Z though there's an odd thing, it might be a typo, I'm not sure, but I thought it work a check.Īnyway, currently running Corsair Domi (3 x 2 GB) 1600 MHz 1.7 V. I'm familiar with the normal 4 and can't seem to get any tighter where I am now (numbers to follow), but I'm wandering if faffing with any of the other timings with improve performance at all. Been faffing with RAM timings and some of the smaller numbers have me confused. Maybe I'm being a little anal here but I'm doing what many of us do and trying to squeeze every last drop of performance out of my rig.