What on Earth is Sexy Technology ? XD Don't capitalize some words for no reason, and always capitalize "I". You need to improve your spelling, sentence structures, and grammars. Based on the dialogue, I assume you are a high school freshman. Try to narrate the stories using in-game sprites and maps. However, I would recommend you to not use them at all. Otherwise, it is really painful to watch. If you are going to put in movies, make sure you use ones with good quality. Why would you put him on the buildings ? Also, the game lagged really bad during this part. Now, during the tutorial, Naruto is being transported to multiple places. That, or leave the map empty, and make your character invisible. When you ask the players if they want to see the intro, it is better to fade out the screen. Also, make the texts "New Game", "Continue", and "Exit" easier to see. :) But the logo Naruto could use some edits and move it somewhere else. :) Now, for the game contents : - The title screen is pretty good. Once you have the maps well done and ready, it will be easier to start working on the game events.

author=Creator now i am working in Character for next story line. author=Creator - A very fun game to play, with many hours of unique gameplay First things first, do not ever boast about your game like this. I played the demo, and I honestly have to say that it wasn't very good.